Build Input Forms

Example: Building a Create User form


Forms can be created in two ways - either by using the Form component which has a basic Submit button wand a Reset button to reset all fields, and by creating a custom form component using specific input components like Text, Image, Rich Text and so on.

Example: Building a Create User form

Here's how you can build a simple create user form.

Using the Form component


  • Drag and drop the form component onto the canvas.
  • Create the fields for the form and specify their type.

For example Name and Email are Text input types, Experience is a dropdown with some options and Gender is a Radio type with Male and Female options.

  • This is the easiest way to create a form which comes in with a Submit and a Reset button.
  • The form can be submitted by attaching an onSubmit handler to the form.

Using input fields


  • Drag and drop the text, radio, dropdown input components for the respective fields.
  • Drag and drop the button component.
  • Group all the components together and create the form.
  • The form can be submitted by attaching an onClick handler to the button.
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