Frequently Asked Questions

What is Canonic?
Why can't I access my API?
Why can't I see the inputs for the fields I just added?
How do I delete a field/fieldset/table?
How do undo my published changes?
Where does Canonic store your data?

What is Canonic?

Canonic allows users to create an entire backend stack, complete with an API and a robust content management system without a single line of code.

You can learn more about canonic and it's capabilities at

Why can't I access my API?

You might not be passing the access token in the header or it might be in the incorrect format. Is there a specific error code that you're getting? If your problem still persists, contact us

Why can't I see the inputs for the fields I just added?

Once you add fields, they are saved however they still need to be published. This adds a layer of confidence when building out the graph as you dont need to worry about your changes affecting the live environment. Once your changes are ready to go, you can publish your graph.

How do I delete a field/fieldset/table?

You can delete them by simply right clicking on the particular node on the graph and selecting Delete from the menu that appears.


How do undo my published changes?

Currently there is no way to undo or revert changes. It's a part of our roadmap though and coming very soon!

Where does Canonic store your data?

We currently use Digital Ocean for our cloud infrastructure. Your project's data is stored on instances on their server located in Bangalore.

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