Time Fields

In the graph
In the CMS
In the API

Time type fields are, like the name suggests, useful for storing time. Additional validations can be added to make it conform to particular range of times.

In the graph


Create a time field by simply creating a new field and marking the input type as Time.

Additional Properties

Property Description Possible Values
Default Value The default value for this field when no value is provided. Any Time
Required Whether the value is a required field. Can be set in the Validations section


The time field supports validations only on the time value

Operate On Possible Conditions Possible Values
Time > , >= ,= ,<= ,< Any Time

Multiple validations can be chained together with AND operations

See Field Validations for more information on how to add validations.

In the CMS


When you publish a time field, it's available in the Content Management System as a simple time input. The user can enter any arbitrary time matching the validations set in the graph.

In the API

In the API the output response for this field is a time (unix timetamp).

Sample GraphQL Request

  movies {
    releaseTime # Marked as a time field

Sample GraphQL Response

  "data": {
    "movies": [
        "title": "Superman vs. Spiderman",
        "time": 1283791647817
        // a date timetamp that can be easily
        // converted to a Time object for manipulation
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