Adding Role Based Access Control to your project

Enable Access Management
Default Options
Managing Users
Managing Roles
Additional Settings

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a crucial feature that allows you to efficiently manage access to your project. With Access control, you can add users, assign roles, and set specific permissions for each role, providing a granular control over who can do what within the project.

Enable Access Management

Option 1 : Settings

You can enable this option by navigating to the Settings tab and selecting Access Management.


Option 2 : During Project Creation

While creating a new project, you have the option to enable RBAC.


Default Options

You can set default values for user roles and page permissions for individuals entering the project.


Managing Users

In the Users section, you can efficiently manage user access.


Add a new user :

  1. Click on the + New User button.
  2. In the popup, provide the following information:

    • Name
    • Email
    • Password for login
    • Assign roles to the user.

Managing Roles

Roles define different levels of access within the project.


Add a new role :

  1. Click on the + New Role button.
  2. In the popup, perform the following actions:

    • Enter the name.
    • A key will be generated automatically.
    • Select permissions for the role.
    • Set page access preferences for the role.


You can add permissions for the project by default, there are read and write permissions.


Add a new permission :

  1. Click on the + New Permission button.
  2. In the popup, perform the following actions:

    • Enter the name.
    • A key will be generated automatically.

Additional Settings

Enable or disable Allow Users to Signup . When enabled, external users can access the project through the URL by signing up. If disabled, access is restricted to users listed in the project's user table.


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