Code Editor

Accessing Parameters
Writing Code
Testing and Deployment


The Canonic Code Editor is an embedded JavaScript editor for writing custom logic within your workflows. It is available within Function and Output nodes.



  • Asynchronous Support: Write asynchronous JavaScript functions to handle operations that require waiting for execution.
  • Parameter Access: Easily access input parameters and the output of previous nodes in your workflow.
  • Syntax Highlighting: The editor provides syntax highlighting to improve the readability of your code.
  • Error Detection: Real-time error detection helps to identify issues quickly.

Accessing Parameters

In the Code Editor, you can access the workflow's parameters as follows:

 * @param {Object} params - Object containing parameters
 * @param {Object} params.input - The input object
 * @param {Object} params["1"].output - Output of the first node of the workflow

Writing Code

When utilizing the Code Editor, adhere to the following best practices:

  • Comment Your Code: Provide clear comments within your code to explain the logic and functionality, making it maintainable and understandable for others or for future reference.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully manage exceptions, ensuring your workflow behaves predictably under all conditions.
  • Testing: Leverage the built-in testing tools provided by Canonic to rigorously test your code before deployment.

Testing and Deployment

Prior to deployment:

  • Test Thoroughly: Use Canonic's testing features to confirm that your code performs as expected across all scenarios.
  • Handle Inputs Carefully: Make sure that your code correctly handles all the inputs it may receive.


Imagine you need to validate user input within a workflow:

  • Open the Code Editor in a Function node.
  • Access the user input using params.input.
  • Write a JavaScript function to validate this input, for example, checking if an email address is correctly formatted.
module.exports = async function (params) {
  const email =
  const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/

  if (!emailRegex.test(email)) {
    throw new Error("Invalid email format")

  return { valid: true }

This function checks if the provided email adheres to a basic format. If it doesn't, it throws an error; otherwise, it returns an object indicating the input is valid.

Note: It's crucial to conduct comprehensive testing and to handle sensitive data with care to preserve the integrity and security of your application.

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