Toggle Fields

In the graph
In the CMS
In the API

Toggle fields are used to store boolean or yes/no type values. They can only hold two states, true or false.

In the graph


Create a toggle field by simply creating a new field and marking the input type as Toggle.

Additional Properties

Property Description
Default The default value for this field.


The toggle doesn't support any validations

In the CMS


When you publish a toggle field, it's available in the Content Management System as a toggle input. The user can click on the toggle to alternate between the true and false states.

In the API

In the API the output response for this field is a boolean value.

Sample GraphQL Request

  movies {
    isActive # Marked as a toggle field

Sample GraphQL Response

  "data": {
    "movies": [
        "title": "Superman vs. Spiderman",
        "isActive": true
        "title": "Superman vs. Spiderman 2",
        "isActive": false
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