Accessing Environment Variables

Setting Up Environment Variables
Accessing Environment Variables
In Other Workflow Components
Best Practices


Environment variables in Canonic provide a secure way to store and manage key-value pairs, useful for configuration settings and sensitive data like API keys or database credentials.

Setting Up Environment Variables

  1. Project Settings: Go to the settings of your Canonic project.
  2. Environment Variables: Find the section dedicated to environment variables named Variables.
  3. Define Variables: Enter your key-value pairs as environment variables.


Accessing Environment Variables

In Code Editor

Within the code editor, environment variables can be accessed using params.env.

module.exports = async function (params, context) {
  const fetch = require("node-fetch")

  // Example of accessing an environment variable in the Code Editor
  const apiKey = params.env.API_KEY

  return fetch(`${apiKey}`)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => data)
    .catch(error => {
      console.error("Error:", error)

In Other Workflow Components

Outside of the code editor, environment variables can be accessed directly using env.



Best Practices

When working with environment variables in Canonic, consider the following best practices:

  • Secure Storage: Utilize environment variables for storing sensitive data, such as API keys or database credentials. This ensures the security of these critical pieces of information.
  • Consistent Naming: Maintain consistency in naming your environment variables across different stages of development. This includes environments like development, staging, and production, facilitating easier management and less confusion.

Note: The effective use of environment variables is key to maintaining the security and scalability of workflows in Canonic. They play a crucial role in managing sensitive data and configuration settings in a secure and efficient manner.

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